Germantown Residents for Economic Alternatives Together
Learning Circles are a way of learning and exploring concepts collectively, learning from and with each other. Generally it's not about action planning / project development. The format is discussion-focused based on materials provided. An overarching question typically guides the content and conversation. Signing up means being part of the whole series, it's not a drop-in structure.

This learning circle includes resources from / about the D'Town Farmers, Visionary Organizing Lab, Norris Square Neighborhood Project, TrueLove Seeds, and Vacant Land 215. There will be a few different facilitators.
You can view the outline and schedule here. We may be at capacity now for this group, but you can still email greatgtown@gmail.com or text 215-839-9508 if you'd like to be on the list; please mention Food & Freedom.

This Learning Circle will be facilitated by Blew Kind.
Check out the outline of materials / questions.
Email greatgtown@gmail.com or text 215-839-9508 to sign up, although we seem to be at capacity, you can still join the list in case someone drops out. Please mention "grassroots fundraising."

Thoughts from former study group members:
"We are in times where we feel that we haven't got a say in our environment. This study group allows one to get involved and be heard and take part in change big or small."
~Muriel Simmons
"If we do not know where we are (in the past, present, and future) we are lost. The study group helps us free the group's creative genius on our journey."
~Howard Bailey
"I really enjoyed the study group. I read things and engaged in conversations that both challenged me, and deepened my sense of community. Thank you GREAT for helping me to love Germantown more deeply, and to open my mind more fully to what Germantown could be."
~Lola Georg
"I'm a 'triple LLL' (I made that up...lol) Life Long Learner is what it stands fro and I proclaim it. I was immediately attracted to GREAT's Study Group. I'm all things Germantown and this was giving me a chance to sit in with fellow Germantowners and learn and have discussions and most of all create a dream to create the change that will provide the hope of The Best Germantown possible! Count me in! Once again time well spent!"
~Cathy Brown
"The learning circle/study group gave me a chance to explore concepts that interest me through conversations with others from the Germantown community. I learned how transformational change can happen in big and small ways, and that building a community can happen one simple interaction at a time. I got to know new people and hear about their experiences in real-time and space, a welcome break from the information overload of digital life."
~Paul Fugazzotto
"My study group experience was like a toss salad full of knowledge and with heaping amounts of personal growth."
~Anthony Webb
These study group members plus a few more met from October - December 2019.